NERPCA: New England Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Association

Welcome to NERPCA

Planning Updates

The 2024 Annual Conference is scheduled for October 30th-31st. An OPTIONAL High Strength Waste training day will be held on October 29th. If you have general questions about this upcoming Conference, please contact Justin or Kerry:

Kerry Britt, at 401.461.8848 ext. 490
Justin Pimpare, at 617.918.1531



Visit our partners page to see the list of businesses that support the Regional Pretreatment Conference. We greatly appreciate all of our sponsors, vendors and exhibitors. Without them, our annual Conference would not be possible. If your business or organization is interested in sponsoring the New England Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Association please visit the annual conference page for more information.


Giving You More

EPA New England and the New England Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Association work hard to provide quality pretreatment education to all pretreatment professionals located in New England. If you have questions or comments please contact us.

The 2024 Annual Workshop

View the new 2024
October 29 Optional Training Agenda

October 30-31 Agenda